Clima: - FIFA 21. eSports Battle. Europa League B 12 / 04 / 2021 - 13:38 (UTC) Mandante Villarreal (nikkitta) 90:00 Villarreal (nikkitta) vs TSG 1899 Hoffenheim (white_boy1927)1 - 3Visitante TSG 1899 Hoffenheim (white_boy1927) ⇲ ???? - ???? - ???????? ???????? - ???? - ???? ???? - ???? - ???????? ???? - ???? ???????? - ???? - ???? ???????? - ???? - ???? |
Villarreal (nikkitta) TSG 1899 Hoffenheim (white_boy1927) 91' TI |
Villarreal (nikkitta) Home Partifas ? Vencidas Partidas ? Empatadas Partidas ? Perdidas TSG 1899 Hoffenheim (white_boy1927) Away Partifas ? Vencidas Partidas ? Empatadas Partidas ? Perdidas ?% Performance ?% Venceu ?% Empatou ?% Perdeu ?% Performance ?% Venceu ?% Empatou ?% Perdeu |
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